As a responsible fitness instructor it's my duty to be fully qualified in the disciplines I teach. But did you know that it's also part of my duty of care to keep my first aid training up to date with a refresher every 3 years?
I am lucky enough never to have had to use these emergency skills, but my daughter, who decided to put herself on a first aid course before going to uni, has had to use her knowledge a few times in emergency situations! Scary stuff if you don't know what to do!
Its pretty scary that, in the majority of cases, such a valuable skill only gets learned when we need it for our jobs when in fact this knowledge could save a life!
I am very lucky that I know just the man to refresh my skills, I happen to be married to him 😂 (although it did take a bit of getting used to walking into mannekin faces lying on my draining rack!) But if you feel you'd benefit from a course, or a refresher, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Iain Riddell Training on Facebook or give him a call on 077200 52435 and tell him I sent you!